Monday 17 October 2016


"To be, or not to be: that is the question: whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or take arms against a sea of troubles, and opposing end them..."

I think we all know these words spoken by the agonizing prince in Shakespeare's Hamlet and probably most of us have uttered these words at some point in time if only in jest! This year marks the 400th anniversary since Shakespeare's death and special events and productions are occurring throughout England. It just seemed fitting to plan our own trip to the bard's birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon.

It is clear that William Shakespeare came from humble beginnings and was the product of a working class family. The Shakespeare family home is a modest dwelling joined to the workshop where William's father crafted gloves. The house has been restored and is filled with period furnishings and apparel that provide a glimpse of life in Shakespeare's time. The house is also surrounded by very nice gardens that once would have helped feed the family.

We really enjoyed our visit with Shakespeare, and the little town of Stratford-upon-Avon full of small shops and nice cafes and a big personality.

The old town; the Shakespeare home is immediately on the left.

The Shakespeare House and Workshop

I think this guy is supposed to be William Shakespeare...     .

Yes, it's a Christmas Shop, and Yes we went in to shop.

A nice lunch in the old town...all good!

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